Monday, November 29, 2010


Well we had a good Thanksgiving. Holiday's are a bittersweet thing. I am happy to celebrate with my family, but I am very sad about my children that are not here for us to celebrate with.
Jarret has been gone for 7 years now.I know he is up in heaven safe,happy and healthy,Hilliary has been gone for 1 1/2 years, again she is safe happy,cradled in the arms of Jesus.I miss them more than I can say. My life has not been the same since they went to Glory.But it was better for them and I know they will never hurt or be sick again.

Now as for our oldest son Brett,he is with my dad which at the moment is a good thing because my dad's health is not doing good.But he will not talk to us and we haven't seen him in over a year. Brett has had to deal with the death of his mawmaw whom he was very close to,his brother and sister. That is almost to much for me,not to mention a child(which Brett was when his mawmaw and brother died.)

Our next daughter Veronica. She made up some really bad things and left the house. We have not talked to her for a 1 1/2.Part of her problem is that she blames herself for Hilliarys death.We tried to tell her that it was just God's time and Hilliary was is so much pain we were happy for Hilliary,sad for us and that no would blamed her because she had not gone into the room a few minutes earlier. She is in counseling and again I pray she will come around. She has had a lot of things in her 18 years to deal with,her mother pretty much abandoned her when we got custody( my dh's ex) and did not speak to her for over 7 years,would not let her have contact with her 1/2 sisters,her brother and sister dieing. Her life has not been easy. Please pray for her as well.

I never thought my family would be so messed up. But that is what happens when the "world" gets ahold of it. I have learned that the secular things will tear your family apart. I know that GOD will get us through and that HIS will be done. BUT I also know that we have to give our self to HIM in order for HIM to show us HIS mercy. GOD gave us permissive will which unfortunately we use,and HE has HIS perfect will which is for us all to live in HIS lite.

GOD be with you and yours,GOD take care of my wayward children until come back!

1 comment:

Marthavmuffin said...

Sorry for your families troubles Deb. I think of you often and am grateful God put you in our path to bring our sweet Jamie into our lives! God is good and I know things will turn out for you guys.